Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's a Match First!

Note: I tried to publish this last night from my phone, but it wouldn't upload. So here it is, today:

It's a Match first for me tonight, my lovely readers. I've never committed to a third date before.

I'm totally willing to admit that I'm nervous. I'm not sure why I'm just now getting the jitterbugs.

You would think that the first date would be much more nerve-wrecking, but for me, it's the third.

The first date is kinda easy. You're both strangers, and you haven't quite shared enough to make you feel vulnerable...yet.

But by the third date, you know he's somewhat of a neatfreak, has booked a one week trip to London, and has a pet peeve about texting and driving (which makes you admire him even more.)

And on the flip side, he knows that you consider your dogs as your children, love frozen gummy bears, and still haven't completely unpacked your boxes from moving in.

Vulnerable. That's what you are.

With every time you hang out, you become increasingly vulnerable. Which is understandable. If you weren't, it wouldn't make for a very honest or good relationship. But it's still scary.

I probably sound like I have commitment issues. No, I wouldn't say that.

But I will say that every girl who has been burned in the past knows what I'm talking about. And guys, too. To become vulnerable is to put yourself out there -- put your heart on the line.

Now, I wouldn't say I'm there yet. No, no. Don't get me wrong. It's only the third date. I mean, I like the guy. But I'm smart enough to not jump to conclusions or make broad generalizations.

I'm only stating that I'm nervous. Because it's the third date. And because I never planned this far ahead, dear readers...

The most important question is...

What do I wear?!

- Posted by Miss Matched using BlogPress from my iPhone

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